Is Massive Open Online Research The Next Frontier For Education?: Tradução e Letra -
A Letra e a Tradução em Espanhol de Is Massive Open Online Research The Next Frontier For Education? -
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Is Massive Open Online Research The Next Frontier For Education?
Vos apresentamos o texto e a tradução de Is Massive Open Online Research The Next Frontier For Education?, uma nova música criada por extraída do álbum 'The History and Future of (Mostly) Higher Education'
O álbum consiste em 15 músicas. Vocês podem clicar nele para ver os respectivos textos e as traduções:
Aqui está uma pequena lista das músicas que poderia decidir cantar que incluirá o álbum do qual ele desenhou cada música:- Digital Alchemist Intensives
- On the Death of Democratic Higher Education
- Transitioning into a New Role at Mozilla
- 5.3 - 5) Encourage Students to Lead
- 2.4 - Attention
- 1.3 - 21st Century Literacies - Part 1
- “Mediocrity' V. 'Cozy, Lucrative Monopoly': Rsp to NYTimes Critique of US Education
- 2.3 - Training Farmers to be Factory Workers
- Inspiring Education - Alberta's Vision for Education
- 5.2 - 4) Make! From Critical to Creative Contribution
- ‘An Industry of Mediocrity'
- The Mozilla Manifesto
- 3.2 - How We Measure
- “Are You Willing To Send Your Child To The Same School As The Children Of Vegetable And Rice Sellers?'
- A Bechdel Test for Higher-Ed “Disruption'
Is Massive Open Online Research The Next Frontier For Education?
Áudio e Vídeo de
Is Massive Open Online Research The Next Frontier For Education?
Letra de
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