Cian Of The Chariots - Appendix: Tradução e Letra - William H. Babcock
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Cian Of The Chariots - Appendix
Vos apresentamos o texto e a tradução de Cian Of The Chariots - Appendix, uma nova música criada por William H. Babcock extraída do álbum 'Cian of the Chariots'
As 15 músicas que compõem o álbum sãos as seguintes:
Estes são alguns dos sucessoscantados por . Entre parênteses vocês encontram o nome do álbum:- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XXIX: The Blowing of the Elfin Horn
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XXXVII: Aurelia at Camelot
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XVI: An Interview with the Dead
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XV: London Before the Storm
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter VII: Feast and Song
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XIV: The Conflict at the Lake Village
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XXVI: In the Forest of Celidon
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter II: With the Guard of the Gate
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XLI: All Well Ended
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XXVII: A Passage at Arms Between Lancelot and Vortimer
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XXI: A Ride Through the Saxon-Wasted Land
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XXII: Among the Cave-Dwellers of the Scaur
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XII: Arthur with Lancelot and Guinevere
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XXXVI: The Fiery Trial of Cian
- Cian of the Chariots - Chapter XXXIX: The Long Battle of Camelot
Cian Of The Chariots - Appendix
Áudio e Vídeo de William H. Babcock
Cian Of The Chariots - Appendix
Letra de William H. Babcock
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