Volsunga Saga - Appendix: The Lay Of Hamdir: Tradução e Letra - Unknown Author
A Letra e a Tradução em Espanhol de Volsunga Saga - Appendix: The Lay Of Hamdir - Unknown Author
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Volsunga Saga - Appendix: The Lay Of Hamdir
Volsunga Saga - Appendix: The Lay Of Hamdir é a nova música de Unknown Author extraída do álbum 'The Story of the Volsungs (Volsunga Saga)'.
O álbum consiste em 15 músicas. Vocês podem clicar nele para ver os respectivos textos e as traduções:
Estes são alguns dos sucessoscantados por . Entre parênteses vocês encontram o nome do álbum:- Volsunga Saga - Chapter XIV: Regin's tale of his Brothers, and of the Gold called Andvari's Hoard
- Volsunga Saga - Chapter VII: Of the Birth of Sinfjotli the Son of Sigmund
- Volsunga Saga - Chapter V: Of the Slaying of King Volsung
- Volsunga Saga - Chapter XXIX: Of Brynhild's great Grief and Mourning
- Volsunga Saga - Chapter XX: Of Sigurd's Meeting with Brynhild in the Mountain
- Volsunga Saga - Chapter XV: Of the Welding together of the Shards of the Sword Gram
- Volsunga Saga - Chapter XXVI
- Volsunga Saga - Chapter IV: How King Siggeir wedded Signy, and bade King Volsung and his son to Gothland
- Volsunga Saga - Chapter XXI: More Wise Words of Brynhild
- Volsunga Saga - Chapter XVIII: Of the Slaying of the Worm Fafnir
- Volsunga Saga - Chapter X: The ending of Sinfjotli, Sigmund's Son
- Volsunga Saga - Chapter XI: Of King Sigmund's last Battle, and of how he must yield up his Sword again
- Volsunga Saga - Chapter XVII: Of Sigurd's Avenging of Sigmund his Father
- Volsunga Saga - Chapter XIX: Of the Slaying of Regin, Son of Hreidmar
- Volsunga Saga - Chapter XXIV: Sigurd sees Brynhild at Hlymdale
Volsunga Saga - Appendix: The Lay Of Hamdir
Áudio e Vídeo de Unknown Author
Volsunga Saga - Appendix: The Lay Of Hamdir
Letra de Unknown Author
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