Informaçoes sobre o álbum Specimen Days de Walt Whitman
Walt Whitman no final féz público domingo 22 Dezembro 2024 seu novo álbum, chamado Specimen Days.
Queremos lembrar alguns dos seus outros álbuns que vieram antes disso: Leaves of Grass.
As 246 músicas que compõem o álbum sãos as seguintes:
Aqui está uma pequena lista das músicas desenhadas por Walt Whitman que poderiam ser tocadas no concerto e no seu álbum de riferência:
- Birds—and a Caution
- A Winter-Day on the Sea-Beach
- Burial of a Lady Nurse
- The Silent General
- Items from My Note Books
- The Armies Returning
- The Parks
- The First Spring Day on Chestnut Street
- A Meadow Lark
- Hospital Scenes—Incidents
- February Days
- Death of a Hero
- Missouri State
- The Maternal Homestead
- Upon our Own Land
- Battle of Bull Run, July, 1861
- Autumn Side-Bits
- Through Eight Years
- Patent-Office Hospital
- The Women of the West
- The Savage Saguenay
- Walter Dumont and his Medal
- Denver Impressions
- Hospitals Ensemble
- Starting Newspapers
- A Yankee Soldier
- Jaunting to Canada
- Death of Longfellow
- Spring Overtures—Recreations
- Locusts and Katy-Dids
- Sunday with the Insane
- Southern Escapees
- A Connecticut Case
- Sundown Lights
- Two Brothers, One South, One North
- Mature Summer Days and Night
- New Themes Enter'd Upon
- An Interviewer's Item
- An Hour on Kenosha Summit
- The Weather—Does it Sympathize with These Times?
- Hours for the Soul
- An Ossianic Night—Dearest Friends
- Two Old Family Interiors
- Answer to an Insisting Friend
- The White House by Moonlight
- Thoughts Under an Oak—A Dream
- A New York Soldier
- Bumble-Bees
- My Tribute to Four Poets
- Death of William Cullen Bryant
- Three of Us
- November 8, '76
- Unnamed Remains the Bravest Soldier
- A July Afternoon by the Pond
- Entering a Long Farm-Lane
- Western Soldiers
- A Case from Second Bull Run
- The Great Unrest of which We are Part
- The Old Whitman and Van Velsor Cemeteries
- Convulsiveness
- Clover and Hay Perfume
- The Inauguration
- Boys in the Army
- By Emerson's Grave
- Broadway Sights
- An Ulster County Waterfall
- The St. Lawrence Line
- The First Frost—Mems
- Prairie Analogies—the Tree Question
- Crows and Crows
- National Uprising and Volunteering
- Reminiscence of Elias Hicks
- Carlyle from American Points of View
- Spiritual Characters among the Soldiers
- Birds and Birds and Birds
- A New Army Organization fit for America
- Cattle Droves about Washington
- Growth—Health—Work
- Typical Soldiers
- Sundown Perfume—Quail-Notes—the Hermit Thrush
- A Silent Night Ramble
- Earth's Most Important Stream
- Begin a Long Jaunt West
- Nature and Democracy—Morality
- Delaware River—Days and Nights
- St. Louis Memoranda
- Union Prisoners South
- An Unknown
- Meeting a Hermit
- Bird Whistling
- President Hayes's Speeches
- Human and Heroic New York
- A Cavalry Camp
- On to Denver—A Frontier Incident
- The Blue Everywhere
- Two Brooklyn Boys
- Some Old Acquaintances—Memories
- Loafing in the Woods
- Summer of 1864
- A Quintette
- Fifty Hours Left Wounded on the Field
- A Zollverein between the U. S. and Canada
- Plays and Operas too
- A Night Battle over a Week Since
- Grand Native Growth
- Sea-Shore Fancies
- Battle of Gettysburg
- Scene at the Capitol
- Lawrence and Topeka, Kansas
- Down at the Front II
- Hot Weather New York
- Rumors, Changes, Etc.
- Other Concord Notations
- Hospitals Closing
- An Egotistical “Find'
- Heated Term
- Birds Migrating at Midnight
- Mulleins and Mulleins
- Two City Areas Certain Hours
- Deserters
- Hospital Perplexity
- Three Young Men's Deaths
- Distant Sounds
- Genealogy—Van Velsor and Whitman
- A Discovery of Old Age
- An Afternoon Scene
- A Visit, at the Last, to R. W. Emerson
- Hudson River Sights
- To the Spring and Brook
- A Couple of Old Friends—A Coleridge Bit
- Death of a Pennsylvania Soldier
- Soldiers and Talks
- The Most Inspiriting of all War's Shows
- The Sky—Days and Nights—Happiness
- Death of Thomas Carlyle
- Attitude of Foreign Governments During the War
- The Grand Review
- Back to Washington
- Virginia
- Female Nurses for Soldiers
- A Yankee Antique
- A Glimpse of War's Hell Scenes
- America's Back-Bone
- Nights on the Mississippi
- The Lesson of a Tree
- Horse-Mint
- A Soldier on Lincoln
- Jaunt up the Hudson
- America's Characteristic Landscape
- Some Sad Cases Yet
- The Oaks and I
- Paumanok, and my Life on it as Child and Young Man
- Samples of my Common-Place Book
- Down at the Front
- Central Park Walks and Talks
- Sources of Character—Results—1860
- A Contralto Voice
- The Wounded from Chancellorsville
- Bad Wounds—the Young
- A Civility Too Long Neglected
- A Sun-Bath—Nakedness
- A Two Hours' Ice-Sail
- Sherman's Army Jubilation—its Sudden Stoppage
- Army Surgeons—Aid Deficiencies
- Steam-Power, Telegraphs, Etc.
- Some Specimen Cases
- My Passion for Ferries
- Scenes on Ferry and River—Last Winter's Nights
- Edgar Poe's Significance
- Wild Flowers
- New Scenes—New Joys
- A Happy Hour's Command
- Manhattan from the Bay
- A Model Hospital
- Opening of the Secession War
- An Army Hospital Ward
- A Specimen Tramp Family
- The Common Earth, the Soil
- Unfulfill'd Wants—the Arkansas River
- Millet's Pictures—Last Items
- Ouster's Last Rally
- The Stupor Passes—Something Else Begins
- The Million Dead, Too, Summ'd Up
- Happiness and Raspberries
- Printing Office—Old Brooklyn
- Boston Common—More of Emerson
- A Secesh Brave
- Beethoven's Septette
- Calhoun's Real Monument
- The Inhabitants—Good Living
- Seeing Niagara to Advantage
- Abraham Lincoln
- The Real War Will Never Get in the Books
- An Early Summer Reveille
- My First Reading—Lafayette
- At Present Writing—Personal
- The Boston of To-Day
- Colors—A Contrast
- After First Fredericksburg
- Cedar-Apples
- Home-Made Music
- Departing of the Big Steamers
- My Preparations for Visits
- Death of President Lincoln
- Straw-Color'd and other Psyches
- Gifts—Money—Discrimination
- I Turn South and then East Again
- Wounds and Diseases
- Swallows on the River
- Art Features
- Exposition Building—New City Hall—River-Trip
- Omnibus Jaunts and Drivers
- Hospital Scenes and Persons
- Full-Starr'd Nights
- In Memory of Thomas Paine
- A Fine Afternoon, 4 to 6
- In the Sleeper
- Up the Hudson to Ulster County
- Death of a Wisconsin Officer
- A Silent Little Follower—the Coreopsis
- Days at J.B.'s—Turf Fires—Spring Songs
- A Hint of Wild Nature
- An Interregnum Paragraph
- The Capitol by Gas-Light
- The Spanish Peaks—Evening on the Plains
- Capes Eternity and Trinity
- Summer Sights and Indolences
- The Prairies and Great Plains in Poetry
- Paying the Bounties
- Contemptuous Feeling
- After Trying a Certain Book
- Inauguration Ball
- Ambulance Processions
- A Week's Visit to Boston
- A Night Remembrance
- Two Hours on the Minnesota
- Three Years Summ'd Up
- Chicoutimi, and Ha-ha Bay
- No Good Portrait of Lincoln
- One of the Human Kinks
- My Native Sand and Salt Once More
- The Gates Opening
- Final Confessions—Literary Tests
- Releas'd Union Prisoners from South
- Only a New Ferry Boat
- Mississippi Valley Literature